MO-LTAP Scholars Program

The primary purpose of the MO-LTAP Scholars Program is to recognize skilled transportation and public works personnel, all those involved in the maintenance, delivery, and management of local transportation and infrastructure within the state of Missouri. This program provides specialized training for skilled personnel on fundamentals of road and bridge maintenance, management procedures and techniques, roadway, and worker safety topics in an effective and cost-efficient manner. The Training is aimed at increasing each participant’s technical, maintenance, administrative, and supervisory skills depending on the program level.

MO-LTAP Scholar classes are offered at convenient locations across Missouri to make the program easily accessible to most local agencies. It will allow participants to attain three levels of achievement: Level I, Level II, and Level III (Supervisory Tract). Participants will be required to meet the requirements for level I before completing Level II; however, Level III is a stand-alone tract. Participants who complete the program will be awarded certificate upon completion. Since the inception of the Road Scholar’s Program in 1988, over 3,800 participants have completed the program. To become a Roads Scholar, an individual must complete six required courses and three optional courses, totaling 53 hours of training. All courses offer Professional Development Hours (PDHs)



If you wish to register employees for the Scholar Program, please fill out and submit this form for EACH EMPLOYEE who will be registered for the program.